Raptakis says he’s noticed several of his campaign signs have gone missing, which led him to do some digging. Two separate incidents, caught on camera, show Copley removing Raptakis' campaign signs at two different gas stations: A Sunoco Gas Station off of Exit 6 and a Mobile Gas Station off of exit 7 on I-95 South in West Greenwich..." Read original story and view actual stolen sign video at: NBC 10 RI
Rhode Island State Senator Lou Raptakis (right) alone with Nicole Malliotakis (center) of Staten Island and Wyoming State Senator Stephen Pappas (left) joined Greek-American legislators making an official visit to Greece. This delegation attended the Thessaloniki International Fair at which the United States of America was this year’s honored country. More about this event from Kings County Politics click/tap here.
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State Senator Raptakis in Rhode Island's district #33 (Coventry, East & West Greenwich). Please like the Senator on Facebook. 401-397-8345
September 2024